Writing Writing Tips For Less Knowledgeable Writers Is Supposed To Help Me Reach My Target Audience?

If you ask how to drive traffic to your blog the answer is almost always the same. Provide something of value to your potential reader. This is always followed by writing tips.

The blog I’m supposed to write. 101 writing tips.

The underlying point of a writer blogging about the rules of the trade is (according to other successful authors): To gain traffic so people will find out about and buy your book. There are SO many of these blogs it is mind boggling. But when an author blogs about writing tips and then spams a million “buy my children’s book” tweets, I get confused.

My question: Why would you think that your future readers are other writers? Sure, writers usually love reading but they are not your target audience.

Don’t get me wrong, I love reading about writing tips. I have grown as a writer because of those tips and I need them. But my novel is geared towards  young adults. Shouldn’t I be trying to get the fans of bands like One direction to read my blog?? I am a young adult author, they are young adults, that would seem logical to me.

The answer is no, leave “One Directioners” alone and concentrate on your genre or purpose.  (Trust me, unless you are One Direction, trying to sell your auto-biography, these fans are NOT interested, no matter what you blog about.)

Am I the only one who sees a flaw in the “writing tips” method? Personally, I value creative over perfect only because I cannot always see your mistakes (being dyslexic me) but I can immerse myself into your cleverly written world. (And, if you break the rules of writing for a clever, creative purpose, I will immediately consider you a kindred spirit.)

Now, if the purpose of writing tips is to attract your peers than this is a very effective method. But, if you are looking for your target audience, know who they are and what they like. Theme your blog around those guidelines because I bet their not interested in writing tips. Then tweet about your blog and have that lead them to your book.

For example: Say your novel’s genre is paranormal, I would include something like this link:

Most Haunted Real Places http://inventorspot.com/13_real_haunted_places?page=0%252C1

Gain interest in your novel by immersing your audience in what they love. Take them on a virtual tour that will scare the shit out of them. Or treat them to a bit of the urban-legend that prompted you to write your sure-to-be best selling thriller. If you make it clever I assure you, your readers will periodically check back in to see where else you can take them. Eventually they WILL by your book.

If they love romance and your novel is just that, then maybe an article about relationships, or, if you wanted me to buy your book/read your blog, include this picture. I assure you I will buy whatever this man is selling!

If you are writing a non-fiction about something like gardening, a link like this may be of interest to your reader: http://www.garden.org/



These people are dying to know how others get carrots to grow in the desert. Keep your blog about gardening and leave out the writing tips. Who knows, you may even attract the interest of people behind said link, prompting them to mention your work. Credible website says buy your book, sounds like marketing gold if you ask me!

Whatever your genre create a buzz of awesome information, immersing your target audience in what they love. It makes sense and gives your blog purpose. This is what I will be doing as my writing career eeks along.

If you have a manuscript and are trying to attract the illusive agent/publisher, make your blog samples of your writing style. Focus on your strengths.

If you are like me, you are learning as you go. A blog about writing is not only appreciated but necessary. But if your tweeting “buy my book” and making everyone mad, I suggest writing a blog that sparks an interest for your target audience. Then you can tweet about your latest posts and sell some books based on the creative and vast knowledge of your genre. This can save a LOT of wasted time. Not to mention the Twitter Police will stop writing “what not to do” articles (that really are true, sorry to say) about you.

I have accomplished a great many goals with this blog. For me it serves a multitude of purposes. I look forward to doing some creative posts about my up and coming genre, adding randomly to  my writing portfolio and connecting with individuals/groups with common interests.

I wish you all the best and hope you enjoyed my cleverly disguised (must have) post about writing tips. LOL ~Dyslexicwhisper

I Had A Dream: A Thank You From Me To You!


As the year wraps up and I am fully immersed in the holiday season I want to take a minute to say thank you! Thank you to my readers, friends, family and my internet community!

At first the year started out like this…


And I was stuck in my metaphorical tower…


Afraid to put myself out there…


I decided to try anyways. And most of the first few months felt like this…


Many moments felt like this…


But I started to get the hang of things and I figured out what I needed…


The more time I spent doing this…


The more people I came to know…


And the more they came to feel like family…


A few even became close…


They helped steer me away from anything suspicious…


And anyone suspicious…


I put together my professional image…


I was able to cling to that illusion even when I felt like this…


I met a great publisher…


And they shared their secrets with me…


They gave me direction…


I hold dearly the time they have invested in my work…


This opened up possibilities for me…


They wanted to know who I was…


I showed them how I think…


I found out that underdog was really the definition of superhero…


This kept me from to much…


In turn stopping me from going…


My best friend is my sister. I call her my Samwise because she will walk to the fiery mountain with me. Always standing by my side.


Oftentimes leading the way, sometimes even carrying me…


I love her with all my heart and soul…


I went to some great parties…


I met interesting people and introduced them to my personality …


I learned not to take life too seriously…


And when I look back at all the people I have met and all the milestones I have accomplished I am happy to say I love my life and everyone in it! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!

So thank you and Happy Holidays!





Confessions of a thief

I stole something and used it to become immortal.

I was told these things were better left to others, they were not for me.

I snuck off with 100,000 of them anyways.

I stole sacred artificial symbols and used them with reckless abandon.

I used them to time travel and as expressions of love.

I used them to create havoc and conquer evil.

And when I had finished, immortality was mine.

My imagination was bigger than the individual squiggles necessary to translate my thoughts. Don’t you see I had to steal them?

The world will read my words despite their shady beginnings.

They won’t know right away that an impostor deceived them because I have assembled a symbol laundering crime family.

There are incriminating e-mails marked up and down with the dirty word REVISION. It is only a matter of time before the jig is up.

People from my past may recognize me. They might know the truth based on my alias, to them I am Kellee Farr AKA Dyslexicwhisper. When some find out the allegations will begin. “Thief, you don’t belong!” they will yell.

But others will be drawn in and get lost in my world.

I am already preparing for the consequences for my thievery.

The authorities will soon abandon the light switch of my mind, given up in response to my anarchy.

It will be me and me alone that will hold the responsibility of keeping the light in my mind turned off – or…turning it on.

But I will not feel the burden that was once theirs.

No, I will finally celebrate all that was hidden away.                  ———Kellee Farr

Dyslexic Words

She is born

She is perfect, she says

She is the happiest little girl, she boasts

She dances to a different drummer, she laughs

I like to dance, I say

She can draw, he says

I like to draw, I say

You are creative, she says

Everything I see is beautiful, I say

Tell me what you mean, she says

I don’t know how, I say

I am me, I celebrate

She is enrolled, they say

I am excited, I celebrate

She has a temper, she says

She is falling behind, they say

I don’t know what it says, I argue

She is deficient, they say

She is dyslexic, they whisper

But, I am me, I say

She is not paying attention, she says

I am sorry, I say

She is copying it wrong, they huff

I am sorry, I say

She is late, she says

I am sorry, I say

She is weird, they say

I am me, I mumble

That was the funniest thing I ever read, she says

I cannot see it, I urge

Follow the words of the song, she instructs

I would rather make up my own, I dodge

She is lazy, they growl

I am sorry, I say

She is unorganized, they complain

I am trying, I whisper

You don’t belong here, they say

I can do it, I plead

There goes the dumbest girl you will ever meet, he says

I hate me, I say

Welcome, here we will be sure to push you through, they say

You want to make me hallow, I ask

That is how you will get a diploma, because you cannot do it, they say

I am ashamed, I think

Don’t think, they say

I hate me, I say

She is not paying attention, he says

NO, you’re not paying attention, I plead

I can do it like this, I explain

NO, and you don’t have to explain, they say

I WILL find a way to explain, I know

I tested out of reading, I jump up and down

um, good for you, they slowly back away

I could live in that story, I dream

Here is your test, they say

Here is your money, I gasp

You are the most disoriented dyslexic adult we have ever met, they smile

I kinda knew it, I murmur

No you are wonderful, they explain

I am me, I say

Here is your computer, he says

Here is your money, I gasp

Hi we are all dyslexic, they tweet

I am a thinker, he says

I ma creative, he greets

I am clever, he says

I understand, she laughs

I am a buisnessman, he offers

I have empathey, she tweets

I have courage, she writes

I am home, I sigh


I sold my soul to promote my blog! LOL

I often surf through blogs looking for the funny or different. When I came across one that’s owner was promoting other blogs (as long as they told a personal and embarrassing story) I had  to submit. One because I love the traffic and feedback. Another because I have so many of these stories, why the hell not!

So here is my entry to said blog promoter:

I love to fish! I spent the better of one year (a while ago) driving down the remote levees looking for great spots, often stopping.

Now, if you have ever fished in the middle of nowhere you are aware of how inventive you have to be when you have to go to the bathroom.

So, I am in my overalls and white tank-top soaking up the sun in a very remote part of our glorious country, trying my luck at the ever elusive striper, when I had to go. I look up and down the bare levee with no luck for shelter, unless I walked back to the road where it was lined with sparse trees. Up I go.

When I get to the top I realize the road across the river is quite busy, therefore, my only choice is now the cab of my truck. But that’s alright, right? It was a road that was almost never used, I should be safe.

Off go the overalls, after I find a container. … I just sold my soul to promote my blog…. ha ha ha… ANYWAYS, off go the overalls, and as I am doing my business a very sleek bicyclist rides past looking straight in on me. Oh, wait, what was that? A number on his back?!??! NOT one bicyclist but a WHOLE marathon of these fools! URGH! In groups of twos and fours these men rode past, everyone getting an eye full of my personality.

Query This!

I have always wanted to start my query letter off with: Dear Query Gods. Because lets face it, that’s how it feels.

Dear Query Gods,

Thank you for being out there to glance at my plea. It has taken me twice as long to write this as it did the novel, but that is okay because I understand that each Query God needs to be worshiped in a different way (by the way your non-gimmicky churro of the month basket should begin next month). I know your time is precious so I made sure to write something that will make you rich and famous. I know you are the right Query God for the job because I follow you, I mean I subscribe to your facebook page and follow you on twitter. I feel like I am your number one stalker, I mean fan, having read every one of your tweets about your cats and their daily routine. By the way, did I mention my protagonist is a cat?

I humbly submit my risky manuscript. If I play my cards right you may just write me back telling me no, in no less than 500 different ways. But that is alright because every time my spam filled e-mail shows a response from one of you, my heart starts pounding, and that is enough to hook me like a crack addict.

What is my book about, you want to know? Well, let me tell you. No better yet why don’t you tell me what you want my book to be about and I will start fresh, because I read so many novels that are such crap, yet still get published, that I am confident I can be your stooge if given half the chance.

My credentials you ask? Let me get out the list… Sorry, I had it on the back of a Target receipt and must have tossed it out. Oh, no, wait, I have none! If I seriously had the kind of credentials that would win me a book deal wouldn’t you be writing me this letter?

I would have liked to tell you more but my word count is already up there, risking rejection by a glance. So please, we have strained the alphabet enough. Can’t wait to hear from you, I can tell your as eager about this as I am.

Yours (not in an over friendly, not in an unfriendly way)





666 sold my soul dr.

Songs that help me write, sorry Steph there’s no Muse

  1. I Love You ~ Climax Blues Band.  “Oooooooooo I want you.” hell yeah he does!
  2. Original Sin ~ Elton John. I shouldn’t but I did, it’s a guilty pleasure thing – and I am ALL about it!
  3. Baby Come Back ~ Player. Although I must look up “False Bravado”  lol, Just did (it’s his swagger) AWESOME
  4. Really Love To See You Tonight ~ England Dan and John Ford Coley. Keep it light, the way things should be.
  5. Sister Golden Hair ~ America. Same theme as last, love it!
  6. Escape ~ Rupert Holmes. This song cracks me up. Ha ha! He’s tired of his lady, lol (If you have half a brain) TOO funny!
  7. No Rain ~ Blind Melon. Ha ha this is my life
  8. Right Down The Line ~ Gerry Rafferty. The ultimate song to sing to your girl! Damn this is a GREAT one!!
  9. Make it with you ~ Bread. Love the song and it happens to be sung by my favorite food – need I say more?
  10. Sober ~ Tool. 
  11. Mandy ~ Barry Manilow. DON’T YOU JUDGE ME!!! lolololl, shrug
  12. Everything I own ~ Bread.
  13. No More Tears ~ Ozzy Obourne. Because I am ALWAYS going forward in reverse.
  14. Gypsy ~ Fleetwood Mac. Love Stevie Nicks!! 🙂 And really ANY Fleetwood Mac!
  15. How Deep is Your Love. Bee Gees
  16. More Than A Woman ~ Bee Gees
  17. Dancing Queen ~ ABBA.
  18. Rolling in the Deep ~ Adele. Ha ha don’t mess with her!
  19. Take A Chance On Me ~ ABBA.
  20. Bakers Street ~ Gerry Rafferty.
  21. Sailing Away ~ Christopher Cross. Love this one!
  22. Landslide ~ Stevie Nicks. Nicks is one of my ALl time favorites!
  23. Hey There Delilah ~ Plain White T’s. I want to be Delilah!
  24. Annie’s Song ~ John Denver . lol, once again, Don’t you judge me!
  25. I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues ~ The great Elton John
  26. Daniel ~ Elton John.
  27. She’s Always A Woman To Me ~ Billy Joel.  I LOVE love love Billy Joel!
  28. Just The Way You Are ~ Billy Joel. Once again the man spills genius
  29. Danny’s song ~  preferably Anne Murry but Kenny Loggins pulls it off .
  30. Mathew ~ John Denver. It’s a childhood thing 😉
  31. This Old Guitar ~ John Denver
  32. Country Roads ~ John Denver
  33. Four Seasons ~ Vivaldi. Although it is hard not to conduct.
  34. The Best of Times ~  Styx. Any time is the best with this in the background!
  35. Separate Ways ~ Journey.  Journey is good ALL the way through! Once again almost ALL of Journey will work!
  36. Amazing ~ Areosmith.  Love Steven! Sooooo many great concerts and brilliant songs!
  37. Desire ~ U2.  What song don’t I like from U2?… I LOVE them ALL!
  38. U2
  39. Tom Petty
  40. Vivaldi
  41. Ozzy
  42. Areosmith
  43.  Enya
  44. Josh Groban          These last few I can listen everything they do and be inspired to write! LOVE them!

What music inspires you??